
Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy for Sustainable Materials, 6hp

ARTEMI will host a joint PhD course together with WISE (Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability) graduate school. The course will be jointly organized by all six universities of ARTEMI, which are also all members of WISE. This offers a unique opportunity for PhD students and researchers to delve into the fascinating world of analytical transmission electron microscopy and its applications in sustainable materials research.  

The course covers how analytical transmission electron microscope techniques can contribute to research for a sustainable society. The course will provide an overview description of the analytical transmission electron microscope instrumentation and the basic physics of image formation and associated spectroscopical methods. It will also give in-depth examples of studies on materials important for the development towards a sustainable society where analytical transmission electron microscopy is crucial. The course will consist of lectures both on-site and via video link, hands-on exercises on microscopes, demonstrations, and group work. Participants will have the chance to explore cutting-edge techniques and gain practical experience under the guidance of expert instructors. 

The first round of the course will be held in the autumn of 2024, starting on September 11. The course will be coordinated by Stockholm University 
