
The infrastructure’s organization and leadership

ARTEMI is a consortium of the main Swedish electron microscopy nodes in the physical sciences. The nodes are Chalmers University of Technology (CTH), Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Linköping University (LiU-host), Lund University (LU), Stockholm University (SU) and Uppsala University (UU), each with an internationally leading profile in competence and instrumentation. With increasing costs and competition in the field, ARTEMI’s ambition is to build a futureproof, competitive and accessible infrastructure. 

To maintain Sweden’s leading position in electron microscopy, and to develop within emerging fields, our proposed Research Modules focus resources at select nodes towards joint ARTEMI development. ARTEMI will pursue scientifically relevant methods that can address scientific challenges in the researcher community, in industry, and several global goals. 

The organigram shown in figure, includes an executive, a strategic, a management and an operative level. 

At the executive level the Host University (LiU) assumes the main responsibility for the infrastructure as mandated by the Swedish Research Council VR. 

The Advisory Partner Committee (Partsrådet) is composed of representatives from all nodes.  LiU will regularly and in a structured manner obtain views and advice from the Advisory Partner Committee (Partsrådet) on issues concerning, among other things, the overall budget including co-financing and development of ARTEMI. The Advisory Partner Committee also proposes the composition of the Steering Group to the Host Organization.  

 LiU is financially responsible towards VR and for annual reporting. LiU appoints the Steering Group after consultation with VR, the Director (management), and is responsible for preparing the consortium agreement. The Consortium agreement regulates the ARTEMI partner universities’ cooperation and responsibilities.  

 At the strategic level, the Steering Group make decisions on the budget, strategy and operations on behalf of the infrastructure.  

 At the management level, the Management, headed by the Director and made up from the node leaders, manages the infrastructure, its modules and different nodes. The management is responsible for following the plan and budget and prepares the budget and reports towards the Steering Group. The management further leads the Module development. To advise the management in scientific developments a “scientific advisory board”, is appointed by the management. This board also assists in evaluating larger project proposals. The scientific advisory board consist of internationally recognized experts in the field. 

At the operative level, each Module has a leader, appointed by the management, assisted by the Scientific Leaders from partner nodes in the development of the Module. All ”Infrastructure Scientists” make up a Project Team that organize courses and transfer knowledge between nodes and to society. 

The establishment of ARTEMI as a consortium enables focused efforts in strategic areas where we share interests, and cost reduction in non-strategic areas. We divide development projects between nodes. Our priorities are outlined in the modules together with the “leading”, “partner” and “following” nodes. ARTEMI allows to establish a national road map for a sustainable and cost efficient infrastructure, and reaches full national potential for automated and efficient experiments that run “operator free”. 

Schematic representation of the ARTEMI infrastructure.

The Board of ARTEMI

Prof. Jan-Eric Sundgren (ordf.)

Prof. Kimberly Dick Thelander

Prof. Mikael Jonsson

Prof. Randi Holmestad

Prof. Thomas Wågberg