News and Highlights

Next generation STEM at LiU procured

Next generation STEM at LiU procured

Thermo Fischer Scientific will deliver the new microscope to LiU. They provided a lego version in the meantime.Next generation STEM at LiU procured Two years after the original grant, the procurement of the next generation advanced scanning transmission electron...

New EELS Spectrometer at Uppsala University

New EELS Spectrometer at Uppsala University

New EELS Spectrometer at Uppsala University  With the increasing use of the scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) technique in our aberration-corrected TEM, atomic resolution spectroscopy techniques have become feasible and contribute essentially to...

Nanoparticle composition

Nanoparticle composition

(a) A sintered AuAg particle, (b) an unsintered  agglomerated AuAg particle and (c,d) XEDS maps of the elements, showing even alloying down to atomic level.Nanoparticle composition What is the composition of nanoparticles produced by spark ablation (SA)? This is a...

Bi2GeTe4 Crystal structure

Bi2GeTe4 Crystal structure

(a) Cross-sectional STEM image, (b) simulated electron diffraction and (c) corresponding FFT pattern of the (d) Bi2GeTe4 crystal viewed in [210] direction. (e) HR-STEM image acquired at higher magnification.Bi2GeTe4 Crystal structure The next generation of computing...